Thursday, May 31, 2007


My true love of tea and all it inspires in me is what I want to share with you.

You may be a tea-granny, tea-tottler or tea connoisseur, or possibly new to the tea world having hopes of relaxation, energizing or a positive direction for good health, I welcome you to my home.

Maybe you will want some or all of what tea is to me - for yourself.

I will share my secret with you.

Tea is Tea- the ritual is purposeful yet peaceful.

Whether I make tea for myself or to share with a friend - it truly inspires me.

Whether to commiserate or to celebrate tea connects us.

Tea lifts my spirits from wherever I am, before I start the ritual.

Tea both warms me up and cools me down.

Tea calms and relaxes me but also at times invigorates me.

Tea soothes and heals my soul and always makes me smile.

I share this passion willingly with all who enter my world.

Tea makes time stand still- to appreciate and be in the moment.

That moment begins from pouring water into the kettle through bringing the cup to my lips that instantly invites in my sense of smell and taste.

Nothing replaces the first sip- the aroma and the flavour.

I hope to enchant and enlighten you to the ways of tea.

The Ritual of Tea

I love tea and how it makes me feel from the thought of it through to the last drop.
I read somewhere, “The love of tea is to love oneself.”
If this is so, I am a happy and loved woman.
Tea has been a ritual in my life for as long as I can remember.
This ritual happens several times daily for me.
There are choices to be made. Which Tea-pot? Which Tea-cup? Which Tea?
The kettle is filled with fresh water to be sure it is full of oxygen so as not to make a flat tea.
I love that waiting for the water to boil, creates anticipation.
I patiently fill some of the time warming the chosen tea-pot to ready it for the infused liquid.
The china tea-cup is also filled with hot water so as not to cool the tea down too quickly.
Now to choose the tea, that’s easy.
I open the cupboard, inhale deeply and let my soul choose.
My soul always knows the perfect type and flavour I require at that moment.
From green to black or white or herbal, there are flavours for every mood or feeling.
The leaves are carefully measured and placed in the strainer awaiting the right time to be set into the teapot.
Just as the kettle boils, the hot water is poured from the tea-pot to ready it for the leaves and excited clear fluid.
The kettle’s contents stream into the waiting pot.
This start’s the unfurling of the leaves that will release the flavour and aroma of the tea.
The timer is set to the perfect amount and the pot is covered.
Sometimes this feels like an eternity until the liquor is ready.
I feel like an addict waiting for a fix.
The bell rings.
The tea leaves are removed and the tea-cup is readied for the entry of the golden elixir.
The cup is filled, then carefully lifted to my nose to always-
Always inhale the magnificent aroma before my first long awaited for sip.
Now the cup touches my lips and I slowly pour…
Perfection – Again

First Blog- EVER!

This is all very new to me. I love to write but have never put something out there for ANYONE to read. I suppose this should be impressive. TEA! I Love TEA! I love tea so much I started a TEA Business. First off it was selling tea to friends through an email account which I still do, but now I have a partner who has tons of business savvy and is a blast to work with.

We have black teas and green teas, both flavoured and unflavoured. The Earl Grey Creme and Dorian Grey are quite delicious if you are a fan of Earl Grey. But for you Green tea lovers that don't like the strong 'GREEN' taste there are flavours like Kyoto Cherry Rose, Long Island Strawberry and of course the Jasmine flowers, too.

There is the delish Rooibos which is the new trend in decaffeinated and chock-o'block full of flavinoids that are the highest in antioxidants of most teas even though technically it is an herb as it comes from a red bush in Africa not the Chamella Sinensis Plant ussually fround in Asia. These come in many flavours but my customers fave's are Pecan Pie and Creme au Caramel. TOO DIE FOR!

Of course there is Darjeelings and Oolongs and the most flavourful Chai teas you have ever tasted like the amazing 'Night of the Iguana Chocolate Chai'. You DO have to taste it to believe it.

There are more herbals like Chamomile and mint as well as Organic teas for those who MUST.

Aside from all of that, you need, of course, items to infuse or make your tea in and we have all the basics and a few extras so don't be afraid to contact me, I won't bite or harass. PROMISE!!!

I would love to send anyone who is interested a catalogue for you perrusal if you email me at .

Also if there are any Restaurants that you have contacts in or would love to have a more perfect and amazing cuppa tea in, please don't hesitate to email me to let me know.

Have a TEA-Riffic Day.